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Domain hosting


This service allows to register or transfer a domain name to VaiSulWeb and then manage it through our Control Panel. You will be able to use Control Panel DNS editor to set or modify zone associated to your domain on your own, without any intervention by our company.

Note: if you want to register or transfer a domain and use your own nameservers, you'd better go to the Order menu above and select domain registration or transfer of one of supported TLDs. This package also includes a DNS editor which is not needed if you will use your own nameserver.

This package doesn't include any support for a website or mailboxes!

PEC Domain Hosting


Activate this service when ordering a domain which must pre-configured to use Italian P.E.C. (Posta Elettronica Certificata) mailboxes. During ordering process you will be able to specify which domain you want to register or transfer. Upon activating, domain will be ready to host PEC mailboxes which must be separately ordered.

Note: you won't be able to manage DNS records for a PEC-enabled domain. This package won't include any Web Hosting.

VSW Cloud Domain Hosting - West Europe


VSW Cloud Full Hosting

€30,00 EURAnnually

I vantaggi di VaiSulWeb

Automazione completa

Potrai gestire la configurazione della zona del DNS in modo completamente autonomo, senza che sia richiesto il nostro intervento.

Automazione completa

Attraverso il Pannello di Controllo potrai gestire i record A, AAAA, MX, NS, TXT, CNAME e SRV del tuo dominio.

Massima flessibilità

Reindirizza il tuo dominio sul tuo server interno oppure modifica la zona per usare servizi popolari come GMail for Business o Office 365.

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